Monday, December 22, 2014

Please ready my friend Sylvia's story and help if you can.

Hi my name is Sylvia I am 40 years old and was told in 2011 I had breast cancer. I under went treatments an had a lumpectomy done July of 2012 hoping that I was cured. I found out I am BRCA positive for the recurring mutated breast cancer gene, so it came back. In January of 2014 I had a double mastectomy then 6 months later had a hystorectomy cause it came back in my overies. I live in Lake Charles LA with my boyfriend cat and pit bull, if it was not for them an the few good friends I have I would of gave up my fight. I still need to have reconstructive surgery done and so I am trying to raise some funds to cover my part of the operation plus travel and hotel since I will have to go out of town for this operation.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kindness for Kinlee: Gift That Keeps On Giving 2014

Kindness for Kinlee: Gift That Keeps On Giving 2014: December 10th, 2014: So my family and I have spent the last few weeks (well, some of us.) wondering what could we do to honor o...